The Cinémathèque suisse offers a wide range of screenings and events for a broad audience, including a selection of films suitable for young people. The cultural outreach work carried out by the institution enables pupils in compulsory and post-compulsory education to familiarise themselves with cinema through classic films and to expand their knowledge of the history of cinema.
The programme for young people "Le Passculture fait son cinéma"
The Cinémathèque suisse is collaborating with Passculture to offer a programme designed for young people in education throughout the school year. As part of the Cinémathèque's programming, the films are designed to attract a new audience to the cinemas. Each screening is an opportunity for discussion and exchange in the spirit of a "ciné-club", in the company of a high school teacher or a lecturer from the Centre d'études cinématographiques (CEC) in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lausanne. Educational fact sheets, available on the Cinémathèque suisse and CEC websites, provide guidance for students and teachers alike.
To encourage access to culture for young people in education, during the 2024-2025 season Passculture is offering a preferential rate of CHF 5 for all screenings in the Cinémathèque suisse's current programme (excluding previews and film-concerts), including the eight "Passculture fait son cinéma" screenings.
This programme is the result of a collaboration between the Direction générale de l'enseignement postobligatoire (DGEP) of the Canton of Vaud and the CEC.
The programme for families "Ciné-familles"
The result of a collaboration with the Festival Cinéma Jeune Public, the "Ciné-familles" film cycle is the Cinémathèque suisse's regular event for children and their families. for children and their families.
Once a month, a film from our cinematic heritage is shown in our cinemas. These screenings are an opportunity to discuss feature films and shorts, cinema classics and little-known gems from all over the world. As an introduction, a cultural mediator will talk about the themes and issues raised by the films, to prepare the children for the screening. A great opportunity to discover together, on the big screen, the wealth of cinematographic heritage throughout the year.
After each screening, children receive a kit to take home. Suitable for every age group, the kit includes a film-related experiment or creative activity for the whole family to do together, to extend the discussion around the screening.
Tea or coffee? "Cinémadeleine"
For the third year running, the Cinémathèque suisse is delighted to be resuming its cycle of screenings in collaboration with Pro Senectute Vaud. In keeping with the tradition of cinema as a collective experience, this programme is intended to be intergenerational, appealing not only to seniors but also to those who are with them, whatever their age. Preceded by a short introduction, the films on the programme - rich in themes, periods and genres - are selected to appeal to a wide audience, both connoisseurs and neophytes. One Thursday a month, we invite you to join us in discovering or rediscovering a work of the cinematic arts.
And to liven up the discussions as you leave the cinema, a tasty treat is offered. Would you like tea or coffee?
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Presentation at the Cinématographe with the filmmaker Marcel Barelli © Cinémathèque suisse / Yannic Bartolozzi